Version 1.5

Since the last Update I fixed some bugs, and issues (Level 4 is now playable) and now to the Major new thing!


When you build a dungeon, after some time a Sword will apear above em. You can klick the sword and automaticly up to 3 Heros of you guild will be taken into the dungeon -> the will explore the dungeon and gather resources and fight Monsters. After the adventure you get all the loot they gathered. But while your heros are off to the adventure, your city has no defense! So be carefull not to lose more than you get out of it!

Serial Building:

you Can hold the SHIFT button to build multiple houses with no need to reclick the building button all the time.

New Event:

Next to the Kraken there is now a Thunderstorm  meandering over you City leaving behinde sparkling destruction.

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