Welcome to GrowWild    a simple Farming Adventure Game.

In my little world you can plant seeds, grow plants, search a random generated cave every day and fight evil slimes to get some rare gems.

To win the game you have to bring all the requested items the king wants.

The browser version and the download version should be played in FULLSCREEN!


The assets in use are bought assets and are Credited in the Game. 

Some Assets are redrawn by me, some Icons, a few sounds had to be ajusted.

100% of the code is writen by me, with the help of Tutorials from Youtube.

Over all this Game is my first personal GameJam Game I made.



Since I am from Austria - speaking german, I make a lot of typos - if you find any - please tell me asap so I can fix em. THANKS A LOT!

You can join my Discord here: https://discord.gg/6uFNhgYv6y

Have a lot of fun with my Game 
Cheers Thetra00
StatusIn development
Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(10 total ratings)
TagsFarming, My First Game Jam, Turn-based

Development log


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Man this game is absolutely amazing. I couldn't even believe that this was one of your earliest works! :O

i looooove this game! it's quick, cute, and cozy! And i love the concept behind it!!!

there are a few bugs that I've noticed, but it doesn't ruin the gameplay! <3

1) sometimes when you win the fight against a slime, the slime doesn't actually disappear off the adventure map, and then it retriggers the fight. i don't know if the colour of the slime is important but mine was red. tbf this happened only one for me.

2) (this bug is the most often occurring one) after a winning fight against a slime, there's a chance that 1 or 2 other slimes on the adventure map is gone, despite not having fought them yet.

3) there's been a few times when adventuring that a slime or seeds are completely surrounded by fences. making it impossible to fight/collect them.

these bugs (in my opinion) don't ruin the gameplay as they are very small, but i thought it was worth mentioning!

also, congrats on making this game by yourself! it's an achievement to be proud of! <3 <3 <3

Wow - since this Game is one of my oldest I am kinda suprised that you pllayed it! Thank you for your feedback, and yes the bugs are allready known, although I was not able to fix them back then when I created this game. I thought about remaking the game sometime, but couldn t get the time till now.

Thank you very much for Playing and writing!

oh wow! i had no idea it was one of your oldest games, that's honestly impressive! no pressure to remake this game, you do what you think is best :)

Can't wait to see what else you make, and I hope you have a good day! 

thank you so much! I wish you a wonderful day  too!

This game is great fun, nice art too! Congrats! :D

thanks I appreciate it! 

(1 edit)

such a good and cute game, I just want to keep playing, i did encounter a bug when fighting blue slimes that they don't disappear after the fight, and it retriggers the fight. =)

Got the bug report some times yeah couldn t fix it cause I can t reproduce it - it shouldn t be able to "respawn" from code side... 

Everything is nicely done ! Very nice game, i love it !

Thanks for your time!

Love it

And the Game loves you :D

This game is really good!


thanks a lot! 

It's pretty nice!

I am happy that you are!

Really cool game!

thanks it means a lot to me :)

Very fun and polished, great job!

thanks I took my time with the polish :D